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On the topic of Shame

A few weeks back I recorded some thoughts on the topic of shame. Since that time I have seen about 10 separate meme postings on social media sites, heard 2 speakers share their ideas on the topic, and had an informal conversation that seemed to center in on "shame".  So even though this video is a little late in being shared, it still seems relevant.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I really appreciate your comments and the ideas that you share with me. Then when I learn that something you saw on contributed to your process of really thinking through an opinion or idea - well... I feel like I've contributed to something worthwhile. Your thought process, is amazing. Just know that.

My hope is to never tell you how/what/when to think, but rather to inspire you. When you're inspired you'll feel excited to share your thoughts and thereby excite and encourage others to do the same. Listen, Think, Decide; be educated and then educate. That's a positive cycle that our world and culture will benefit from.

Thanks for stopping by! I love you all.


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