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Gaining Wisdom

Gaining wisdom is a long and sometimes difficult journey. I know that's shocking to some who believe that they can list it as a need in their prayers and it'll be downloaded to them like an e-book. Sorry to burst that sweet, pink, fuzzy bubble but that's not the way it usually works. Gaining wisdom is often more like a treacherous voyage that takes us into seasons of life where we become intimately acquainted with loss, rejection, and heartbreak. 

I can tell you that never on this side of Heaven will we be filled with all wisdom. It seems as if we can only hold a certain amount in this temporal state; I believe that as we seek the Lord for wisdom, He determines the areas that we need to gain wisdom to function well in the destiny set before us, and then He sets us along the path. 

The outcomes of gaining wisdom lead to deeper relationships with those around you, it leads to living life with the eternal always in mind. Wisdom leads us toward that which is far beyond anything in our wildest imaginings. Wisdom allows us to best steward our moments to operate effectively as God leads, during our days on the earth. 

If we're brave we may ask the Lord for wisdom. His Word tells us that He freely gives it to those who ask. Beware though, its a lot like asking for patience. You will likely receive wisdom as an outcome from walking through unpleasant experiences; through which the Lord himself will guide your steps and your growth. 

As I sit here and consider this topic, I realize that not all difficult situations are a result of asking for wisdom. Some difficult situations are simply a result of selfish and sinful nature. With that in mind, I asked the Lord to help me see some differences between the two. 

Here are a few benchmarking points He brought to mind:

  • When we've asked for wisdom we focus on the eternal benefit, not temporal discomfort (2 Cor 4:18)
  • When we've asked for wisdom we come through difficulties better not bitter (1 Peter 2:23)
  •  When we've asked for wisdom we mature spiritually producing endurance (Rom 5:3)
  • When we've asked for wisdom we hunger to study and gain knowledge of the Scriptures (Duet 8:3)
  • When we've asked for wisdom we stay sane through things where others lost sanity (Psalms 91)
  • When we've asked for wisdom we are humble and kind, not boastful or arrogant when we finally get to the victory point after difficult times (Gal 6:14).


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