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Purpose in Prayer

The Holy Spirit has been preaching to me about how often prayer time centers around things that concern us which more times than not, has little or nothing to do with God being glorified and more to do with our comforts and earth-bound desires.

Since God is concerned with the things that are about us, we can be concerned with the things which about Him. I sense that this is a healthy foundation for long-lasting relationships in any case, and with God most especially. It is not that He suffers from our poor attempt at a relationship with him, but our spirit will definitely suffer and in the long run so will our witness.

Too many are unwittingly focused on how their relationship with God should benefit them; this is a sign that the pride of life has not been addressed in the heart of a believer. When one sees Him as worthy, despite earth-bound struggles, the focus is on His fame and His honor, on His glory... rather than on how our lives will benefit from a relationship with Him.

Christ exampled this for us, and it behooves the Christian to follow The Way. 

Purpose in Prayer


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